Friday, October 10, 2008

John Kerry Smears John McCain

Hello Mary,

John McCain has shown a stunning failure of leadership. His campaign, in a time of economic crisis and foreign policy drift, has degenerated into a negative and nasty campaign of smears.

The reports are piling up of ugliness at the campaign rallies of John McCain and Sarah Palin. Audience members hurl insults and racial epithets, call out "Kill Him!" and "Off With His Head," and yell "treason" when Senator Obama's name is mentioned. I strongly condemn language like this which can only be described as hate-filled.

According to reports, every ad paid for by the John McCain campaign is now a negative ad - every single one! McCain allows his running mate to make outrageous charges that only a few years ago would have disqualified someone from serious consideration for national office.

We cannot stand by and allow this to happen. We need to fight back, spread the word about what kind of low campaign he's running, and make sure people know the truth.

We set up an action center at, where you can print out a flier to be posted anywhere and write an letter to your local media to spread the word about the negative and destructive McCain-Palin campaign. Follow this link:

And we want to expand our Google ad campaign. When people hear a charge, many of them search for more information. We need to make sure they see the truth by placing it at the top of their searches. So please give what you can so we can reach as many people as possible.

We follow the search patterns of people closely and try to jump on the new charges and smears right away. But to get to all of them, we need your help!

Make no mistake, these are desperation tactics from the McCain-Palin campaign. They know that they are in trouble, that the American people are tired of the Republican policies that got us into this mess. But desperation does not excuse the kind of campaign they are now running. We all need to stand up and demand better.

And work to defeat them in November.

Thank you,
John Kerry

Kerry is distorting the truth again.

Think of how the New York Times, propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, ran a series of baseless stories designed to smear John McCain. Here and here and here.

The Times' smear campaign began in February.

Think of how the Democrats reacted to the announcement of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate.

Think of how they have mercilessly "Borked" her.

Think of how the Democrats and their allies attacked Palin's family.

FACT: Barack Obama and his surrogates, including his accomplices in the mainstream media, have been running a "negative and nasty campaign of smears."

Turns out Obama was ready to lead that from Day One.

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