Monday, October 13, 2008

Levi Johnston Speaks

UPDATE, December 19, 2008: Levi Johnston's Mother Arrested on Drug Charges

Levi Johnston, the fiance of Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, is setting the record straight, dispelling the many lies and "unbecoming personal attacks" that Barack Obama's surrogates launched as soon as Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate.

WASILLA, Alaska -- Levi Johnston, who's having a baby with Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter, can't believe all the things he's hearing.

No, he wasn't held against his will on the campaign trail. No, he's not being forced into a shotgun wedding with 17-year-old Bristol Palin.

"None of that's true," Johnston, 18, said in a rare interview with The Associated Press. "We both love each other. We both want to marry each other. And that's what we are going to do."

Standing in the driveway of his family home in this small Alaska town, Johnston spoke about the rumors swirling around him.

The soft-spoken teenager discussed his relationship with Palin and how life has changed with fatherhood fast approaching. He agreed to talk despite the presidential campaign's advice in the days following Gov. Sarah Palin's nomination to avoid the media.

"They're not telling me anything right now," Johnston said as he checked his Blackberry. "It's pretty chill."

Not surprisingly, Johnston was a little shocked when he learned about Bristol's pregnancy, but he says he quickly embraced the prospects of fatherhood. The baby is due Dec. 18. Johnston has dropped out of high school to take a job on the North Slope oil fields as an apprentice electrician.

Johnston hinted he's expecting a boy, but he declined to discuss baby names.

"I'm looking forward to having him," he said. "I'm going to take him hunting and fishing. He'll be everywhere with me."

Johnston, a Wasilla heartthrob, said he wanted to set the record straight.

For starters, he said his much-maligned MySpace page was a joke — the one that claimed he said: "I'm a ... redneck," and "I don't want kids." Johnston said his friends created the page a few years ago and he had nothing to do with it.

Johnston said he has dated Palin since his freshman year in high school.

"We were planning on getting married a long time ago with or without the kid," he said. "That was the plan from the start."

...He's bagged bears, sheep, elk, and caribou. Some of the antlers are scattered about his yard. Last July on a caribou hunt he lost a "promise" ring that Palin had given him. He said he decided to tattoo her name on the finger and not bother with more rings because he'd just lose them anyway.

Johnston said he wasn't forced to campaign with Palin's mother. Bristol Palin invited him and Johnston jumped at the chance. It was a whirlwind experience for Johnston, who was seated with the Palins at the Republican National Convention.

...What about Johnston's politics?

The young man said he wasn't an expert on politics by any stretch. Asked about Barack Obama, he replied: "I don't know anything about him. He seems like a good guy. I like him."

But Johnston still rooting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

"I just hope she wins," he said. "She's my future mother-in-law. She better win."

No doubt, Barack Obama's supporters will claim that Johnston was forced to talk to the Associated Press and insist that the outlandish rumors about him are exactly that -- rumors. They probably believe Johnston couldn't possibly be willing to accept his responsibilities. I'm sure they aren't buying any of it.

All the smears aren't just murmurings on the fringe Lefty blogs.

They've been aired on national TV as well.

For example, from Bill Maher, a guest on the September 29th Late Night with Conan O'Brien:

O'BRIEN: Now you're very passionate about not just, not just Sarah Palin, but you're passionate about the extended family. On your show you have a 'Free Levi Johnston' campaign. Is that right?

MAHER: Levi Johnston is the..., you know Levi? He's the young man who is now the fiance of Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol...

But this young man, he's eighteen, you know. He's a hockey player. He's just out of high school or didn't graduate high school and he knocked up the vice president electee's daughter. And uh, of course they had to, you know, stuff him into a suit. And you know, they took him out of the wild. It was very unfortunate...

O'BRIEN: Did they hit him?...They hit with a tranquilizer dart, tagged him, and he woke up on the ...

MAHER: They shot him from an airplane like they do with the wolves. That's how they do it up there in Alaska, Conan.

And I just... You know I read in The Enquirer, described him as a 'boozing pot-smoker who doesn't want to get married,' and I thought 'soulmate.'

Levi Johnston doesn't even remotely sound like the "soulmate" of the remarkably selfish, sleazy Bill Maher.

From Day One, I think it's been horrible the way Sarah Palin's children have been fodder for Leftists to attack her.

What a cruel way to try to break Sarah Palin by assaulting her children!

The lib media, elected Dems, Hollywood celebrities, late night talk show hosts (Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and David Letterman), and SNL have all attacked the Palin children.

Truly disgraceful.

I doubt any of Johnston's comments, especially his touching statements about Bristol and their child, will satisfy Obama's rabid attack dogs.

Nothing could get these haters to back off. They hate Sarah Palin and they'll stop at nothing to hurt her, including abusing her children.

I don't expect the hateful Maher to disband his "Free Levi Johnston" campaign, no matter what the young man says.


I don't think AP writer Adam Goldman's report is meant to do Sarah Palin or her family any favors. To the contrary, this "rare interview" will likely provide new fodder for Obama's band of bashers to mock the Palins.

Sarah Palin and the young couple will receive no mercy from the cruel Left.


Anonymous said...

she is against sex education, and learning about safe sex, yet her daughter is a pregnant teenager. that is not lefty fodder that is legitimate conversation about an issue affecting our country and she should answer for the illogical position that she takes.

Mary said...

Gov. Palin is NOT against sex education. She is NOT against teaching about contraception.

That's a Daily Kos/ Huffington Post talking point that's been promulgated by the mainstream media.

It's a false assertion.


jenstillinak said...

Oh anonymous, keep hiding behind the internet.... Way to be big and tough and not have to be accountable for it.
As Mary said, she is not against sex ed or contraception, she is just against abortion. Her stance is not 'illogical', it is good to teach people that abortion is not the answer.