Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama Sells

Obama campaign selling Chicago election night coverage packages to news outlets

The Obama campaign is putting a hefty price tag on the best camera and reporting positions for news organizations covering Barack Obama's outdoor election night activities in downtown Chicago. If a reporter wants access to the file center--which will be the best place to find Obama officials and spokesmen--be prepared to write a check for $935. The cheapest place a reporter could stand on a riser with a view is $880.

That $935 covers one reporter in a heated file tent, power, cable tv, internet and food. I am told by an Obama spokesman who did not want his name used that this just covers costs and they are not turning a profit on this. The planners could have built in more al a carte options.

This is an outrageous pay to play plan that caters to national elite outlets with deep pockets.

I am not asking for a free ride--but this is pricey and does not take into account some reporters won't need power, cable, internet or food but will crave the access more than the food. As I was talking to this unnamed spokesman about this enormously expensive set-up, he did say--that a news outlet could rotate people in and out of the tent on that one credential. Great.

A general media area will be created where a reporter could watch for free, but the set-up is separate, unequal and clearly second class when it comes to getting top access to campaign people.

The campaign could not have made going to the free space more unappealing. If will be "outdoors, unassigned and may have obstructed views. General Media Area credentials do not include access to riser positions, satellite truck parking or the press filing center."

Obama's top donors--not the masses who donated the $5, $10 and $25 the campaign brag about--will have VIP access throughout election night and received an early heads up a week ago to plan to spend Election Night in Chicago.

Check out the price list.

Yes, this is change Obama-style.

He's a man of the people. He's a champion of the little guy. Sure he is.


Anonymous said...

$935 is chicken feed compared to $250,000 price tag for Sarah's clothes from Sak's, Neiman Marcus and Barneys.

That's the real disconnect between "person of the people" and reality.

Mary said...

I think your numbers are dramatically inflated, by $100,000. I'm using Politico as my source.

What's the disconnect? That the Palin family and Sarah Palin herself didn't own a wardrobe for their many appearances on the national campaign trail? That Palin didn't have a closet full of outfits that could pass the scrutiny of judges on the national and world stages?

I fail to see a disconnect.

What I do see that's extremely disturbing is Obama SELLING access to the press.

Anonymous said...

What did Obama sell back just a few years ago? Now he's selling TV time, (BTW, during the election the major news networks are losing viewers faster than they can imagine) but what did he sell when he was using drugs? How did he obtain the drugs? Is he still an addict? He can't kick the nicotine habit? we don't need an addict in the White House.

If we can ask probing questions about Joe the Plumber, we can ask probing questions about a candidate for President.

We still know nothing of Obama's years at Columbia. If they were anything to boast about, he'd be boasting. So we can only deduce that he was up to no good and the public would not be impressed with his life at Columbia.

Regarding a disconnect with reality, how about Ms. Obama's fetish for caviar and multiple lobsters while the peasants toil in Democratically controlled slums and death traps known as America's major cities. Hundred of children have been killed in Chicago this year. What has Michelle and Barry done to help their hometown? Nothing, that's what.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I'm sorry Republicans only coughed up $150,000 for her Valentinos and Armani suits. My bad. Tell me, what Joe the Plumber's and Joe Six Pack's wives are picking up a little something at Saks on their way home from the soccer game??

Anonymous said...

As for Michelle Obama's "supposed" feast of lobster and caviar at the Waldorf, The New York Post has issued a statement saying the story was false. She wasn't even staying at the hotel.