Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Infomercial

Barack Obama's infomercial debunked: "Obama's prime-time ad skips over budget realities"

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was less than upfront in his half-hour commercial Wednesday night about the costs of his programs and the crushing budget pressures he would face in office.

Obama's assertion that "I've offered spending cuts above and beyond" the expense of his promises is accepted only by his partisans. His vow to save money by "eliminating programs that don't work" masks his failure throughout the campaign to specify what those programs are—beyond the withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Read Obama's spin and the facts.

UPDATE: Obama's Infomerical: Presidential Screen Test

Watch the video.

Tonight's the night.

It's the premiere of Barack Obama's super-infomercial.

It will air at the beginning of prime time, 7:00 PM CT.

The New York Times calls the infomercial,
"a Closing Argument to the Everyman."

It sounds like a big snooze to me -- a big, expensive, wasteful snooze.

What's an infomercial without Ron "Ronco" Popeil?

Senator Barack Obama will use his prime-time half-hour infomercial on Wednesday night to make what is effectively a closing argument to a national audience of millions. At times he will speak directly into the camera about his 20-month campaign, at others he will highlight everyday voters, their everyday troubles, and his plans to address them.

Mr. Obama’s campaign agreed to provide The New York Times with a minute-long trailer for the 30-minute program, which is to run on four broadcast networks at 8 p.m. It will be the first time in 16 years that a presidential candidate has bought network time, in prime time, for a prolonged campaign commercial.

A trailer?

Obama's commercial has a commercial?

The trailer is heavy in strings, flags, presidential imagery and some Americana filmed by Davis Guggenheim, whose father was the campaign documentarian of Robert F. Kennedy. As the screen flashes scenes of suburban lawns, a freight train and Mr. Obama seated at a kitchen table with a group of white, apparently working-class voters, Mr. Obama says: “We’ve seen over the last eight years how decisions by a president can have a profound effect on the course of history and on American lives; much that’s wrong with our country goes back even farther than that.”

White people?

Will there be black people, too?

Are we supposed to watch for them? Maybe it's kind of a "Where's Waldo?" thing.

That might be mildly entertaining for a minute or two.

Then, while standing before a stately desk and an American flag, Mr. Obama, in a suit, says: “We’ve been talking about the same problems for decades and nothing is ever done to solve them. For the past 20 months, I’ve traveled the length of this country, and Michelle and I have met so many Americans who are looking for real and lasting change that makes a difference in their lives.”

Jim Margolis, Mr. Obama’s senior advertising strategist, said the program would then go on to feature “the stories of four different Americans, or American families, and kind of what they’re confronting.”

...It will also have a live component, featuring Mr. Obama at a rally in Florida. The infomercial has been under production for weeks in the Virginia office of Mark Putnam, whose firm, Murphy-Putnam, is part of the Obama advertising team.

The program is to be shown on NBC, CBS, Fox, Univision, MSNBC and two cable networks that cater to African-Americans, BET and TV One. Ross Perot, the last presidential candidate to run similar programming, broadcast eight long infomercials to an average of 13 million viewers, with one of them getting 16.5 million viewers.

ABC isn't running the infomercial. The network will air regularly scheduled programming, Pushing Daisies.

CNN declined to air Obama's infomercial.

Although it will air on FOX, impacting coverage of the World Series, FOX News wasn't approached by Obama's campaign to air the ad.

I don't like that Obama is messing with the Series.

Costing the campaign more than $3 million, the infomercial is the ultimate reflection of Mr. Obama’s spending flexibility. Mr. McCain, with far less money in the bank, has been unable to produce a similar commercial.

McCain will be the guest on CNN's Larry King Live when Obama's infomerical runs.

What a dramatic contrast!

Why does Obama have SO much more money than McCain?

Obama is a liar. He broke his pledge to negotiate with McCain and stay within the public-funding system. Obama lied to the American people and broke his commitment.

Read's "Obama's Lame Claim About McCain's Money."

If you watch the Obama infomercial, think of how much money it's costing for him to try and monopolize the airwaves.

Actually, the networks are reportedly giving Obama a bargain, but it's still costing a ton of money.

...Mr. Obama’s campaign said it was not worried about turning off viewers.

“Many people have 150 channels; they’ve got plenty of other choices,” Mr. Margolis said. “Or they can drop into a video game.” Then again, Mr. Obama is advertising in video games, too.

I don't watch TV at 7:00 on Wednesdays normally, so Obama isn't screwing up my viewing. Still, it bugs me that Obama can purchase all this TV time.

Obama is a big spender and a big liar and a big hypocrite.

I fail to see how this multi-million dollar infomerical, an extravagant production, will speak to Everyman.

The Left is still yapping about $150,000 for Sarah Palin's wardrobe, but silent when it comes to cost of this lavish commercial.

Speaking of hypocrisy, I wonder if Obama's half-brother George Hussein Onyango Obama will get a chance to see the infomercial. I doubt it.

I'm sure when Obama talks about the plight of American families during his ad, George's plight, the struggles of his own flesh and blood, won't come up.

There could be a backlash from this Must See Obama TV.

After Wednesday night, McCain will be seen by everyone as David and Obama as Goliath. All will see McCain as the underdog, McCain as the little guy and Obama as the Man.

Turns out, McCain IS the Everyman in this drama.


Obama's informercial air times:

*NBC/CBS/Univision/BET: 8:00 PM ET/PT, 7:00 PM CT/MT
*FOX: 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 PM CT; 7:00 PM MT, 8:00 PM PT or immediately following World Series Game 6 (if necessary)
*MSNBC/TV One: 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 PM CT, 6:00 PM MT, 5:00 PM PT


Mark said...

Mary, I think the reason people aren't concerned about Obama being a Marxist is because they really don't understand exactly how dangerous Marxism is to America.

For all readers, I don't usually visit other people's blogs to promote my own, but I have written a post that I feel is vitally important to help educate those who have yet to understand the dangerous implications of an Obama administration. If you don't know why you should be concerned about Obama's Marxist ideology please visit and be educated.

Anonymous said...

Why does the Obama compaign have so much more money than McCain's? It's because Americans have donated more of their money to Obama to get him elected. And by running these "infomercials" he is doing them just what they have given him money get his message out there and win!

At a personal worth of $25 million, largely thanks to his wife's family money, John McCain is hardly "everyman".

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,

Of all the arguments used for the McCain ticket, what troubles me the most is the economy and current state of affairs in America.

Our economy and health system seems to be both in a dark age. The past 8 years, the Mr. Bush government has failed Americans in their trust and pockets.

How do you expect another 4, or 8 or even 12 years of the same philosophy in the administration to make anything different from what has been done in the past 8 years?

I voted for Bush twice, and have been a republican for life, but i feel the government has betrayed me on several instances, so i decided to vote for a change, will go for Obama.

I understand that this is mostly a Republican blog, but i still have hopes to let my voice to be heard.

Thank you for your great insights and keep on!

All the best wishes,

Malcolm Whittier

Mary said...

Why does the Obama compaign have so much more money than McCain's? It's because Americans have donated more of their money to Obama to get him elected.

1. Obama reneged on his promise regarding public funds. He made a commitment to McCain. He broke it.

2. Some of Obama's money is dirty.

3. Obama has accepted money from illegal foreign donors.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God JOHN McCain is too OLD. Besides, he is not appealing to younger voters. He is no different than BUSH. At his age anything can happen to him, whose gonna replace him? Sarah Palin? Give me a beak! A woman who see Russia from her window, Gee - she is just a female version of BUSH. 8 years of BUSH is a disaster. Then here comes McCain - he should retire!!!...

Anonymous said...

I'm middle-class and I gave Obama money and this is exactly what I want to see him doing with my money. Winning the election! This has been a great investment for me. The returns are better than I ever could have imagined.

Hi bitter Republicans! We want our country back. Step aside now.

Anonymous said...

Funny. Obama doesn't want to give you your country back, he wants to give you the country that he wants you to have. And that may or may not include a job. It all depends where you fall in the food chain when he enacts his CHANGE.

Anonymous said...

wow, you are sure bitter! you better get used to Obama, he'll be your next president

Mark said...

Anonymous, part of the reason Obama's campaign is under fire is because many of those contributions to his campaign are not coming from Americans. They are coming from contributors in middle eastern muslim countries, which is illegal. These contributors are donating under false names and from fictitious towns and states.

Mark said...

Mary, it is clear to me that your Libtard commenters desperately need to be educated on what's in store for them if their Marxist hero is elected.

They have no idea what they are in for under an Obama administration.

Mark said...

"Oh my God JOHN McCain is too OLD".

Mary, I think you shpuld send this comment to the AARP. Eerytime an Obama supporter attempts to alienate the senior citizens, we should let them know where the discriminatory comments are coming from.

Uh...anon, you do know that senior citizens vote in much higher numbers than young people, right?

That's ok. Keep yammering and when McCain wins as a result of your bigotry, don't day no one told you.

Mark said...

Mary, where DO all these Libtards come from? Have you committed some sin against God or Obama?

Mary said...

I can't stand it when Obama supporters slam McCain because of his age.

It's ageism. It's bigotry, pure and simple.

It's a cheap attack.

Anonymous said...

I am watching the infomercial right now and I very touched by what he is saying. He is not blinking or anything while talking about tax cuts, health care and other important issues. His wife seems lovely and he loves his kids. He is against outsourcing jobs which is definitely one of our current financial crisis, not to mention the extremely questionable issues surrounding the promulgation of products on American sheves that have questionable integrity. We definitely need a change or we will go by the way of the Roman Empire.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a truly crazy person! Unbelievable...

Anonymous said...

Poor Mary--you're just as hoodwinked as the rest of ignorant, rightwing, American nobodies. Obama's going to be elected, and though that will make you angry, I suspect your life is going to improve a great deal.

Up with the struggle. Barawk!

Anonymous said...

Mary, Do you have a clue as to what BUSH has done to this country.

Read for God's Sake!

You people who hide your head's in religion are so warped. Try getting the facts and thinking for yourselves once in a while.

Stop living in fear of what you don't understand.

And most of all, STOP watching FOX news. It's Bull shit!

Anonymous said...

You know... Many patriotic Americans have taken courage against "the way we were" and actually backed Senator Obama with a great deal of financial support for his campaign. More than mere words, unpresedented financial support has been offered to this worthy presidential candidate so that his campaign might reflect the magnitude of the cry for change from "the way we were." Americans believe in Senator Obama and his platform and trust him to put their investments to good use. What type of leader would he be if he had not used this investment for building a strong campaign? What would those who are against him have to say then? The infomercial was a tasteful reflection of a campagin run with integrity and hope for a "more perfect union."

Unknown said...

Obama's infomercial was similar to the late night multi level marketing programs. It also bore some likeness to the No-money-down program.

Life tough? Buy this program and your problems are over.

There are people who buy it. Not smart people.

Anonymous said...

The website is obviously ANTI-OBAMA

The "Ranting" is monotonous, not educational.

Instead of republicans educating the undecided vote, they bully, spread lies, yell things like baby killer, and are homophobic.

It's sad, and not anything I want a part of.

Religion has brainwashed these people and made them live in fear.

They appear to live with a fearful, punishing God. Hypocrites, they're all a bunch of critical hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

Go back to church and ask God to forgive you for your ignorance.

Pray for more open-mindedness, and to love all people.

Stop living in fear.

And for God's sake, stop watching FOX News!

Anonymous said...

In four years, when you realize that no great Marxist revolution has come about as a result of an Obama administration, and you see that he has run a fair, decent, center-left-but-capitalist administration, will you admit that you were wrong about his intentions for wielding the power of the POTUS?

We'll see.

You may end up disagreeing with many of Obama's policies on a basic "left vs. right" level, but the idea that Obama would attempt to shove through some Socialist/Marxist agenda is ridiculous.

First of all, it would be political suicide. He would lose the support of Democrats in Congress and fail to accomplish anything radical, and he would have no shot at re-election.

Why would he do that at a time where, if he simply takes a more centrist approach, he could actually affect change? I mean, even if he were a card-carrying Marxist, he would govern as a left-center president because that would be the only way to get anything done. The man is not going to squander a Democratic majority in congress on a radical agenda that would be unpopular with his own party.

So look...back away from the "Marxist" edge. We're not headed for a Marxist revolution/disaster, we're headed for four to eight years of left-leaning policies and representation to the world by a smart, thoughtful, charismatic, level-headed man.

We'll be alright, even if you won't agree with the "left-leaning policies" part.

Anonymous said...

Mary: re: ageism...I'm an Obama supporter and I agree with you to an extent. To mock McCain for his age, or to interpret any of his recent verbal gaffes as age-based instead of simply "people make mistakes" is ageism. I don't support or make those kinds of comments, and understand your frustration.

That being said, his age is a legitimate issue, particularly given his history of cancer and his choice of Palin as a running mate, as we all must seriously consider, whether you are for or against her, the prospect of President Palin should McCain win the election.

Cheap shots about McCain's age are as frustrating for you as cheap shots about, say, Obama's middle name or race are to Obama supporters. But John McCain's age is a legitimate issue in this election in a way that Obama's middle name and race are not.

Clint Slaughter, M.D. said...

Interesting site, but obviously skewed very far to the right. As an Obama supporter, I am always disheartened to hear Republicans insult Democrats and vice versa. We need to talk about the issues, not trade snide remarks, we need to understand our differences so we can work together, not alienate the other side. I am very well informed about the candidates, their stances on the major issues, and the propaganda being laid out on both sides. I have not been "drinking the kool aid", I am not stupid, and I have not been brainwashed by "Obamamania."

Obama is not, and has never been, a Muslim or a terrorist. If Republicans continue to harp on Obama's minimal ties with Bill Ayers, then they should be prepared to discuss Palin's husband's and her own support of Alaska's secessionist group. As far as Reverent Wright's "outlandish" statements that still hold a prominent position on your blog, if you take the time to read them and interpret the meaning, his message is a call for peace and an outcry against our nation's imperialism and war-mongering. His comments do, admittedly, take the issue a bit far, but he actually makes a very valid point.

On McCain's age, it's not ageism to consider that within his possible term as president, he may end up with significant health problems in an office that is highly stressful. I for one, would abhor the possibility of Palin being president for a litany of reasons and although McCain would be a decent president, I could never vote for him simply because of this issue.

As for the "socialism" fear-mongering being used by the Republican party currently - there is a difference between social justice and socialism. I would think by now, that the propaganda of the early part of the century and the cold war have worn off and people understand that socialism and communism are good political constructs that advocate fairness and provide basic needs for all people, but because of human greed and corruption, they simply do not work in the real world. Making sure that our citizens have healthcare, shelter, food, and protection, is not socialism, it is taking care of our own and being good human beings, plain and simple. This is what Obama is advocating - an end to the failed trickle-down and "free market" system that due to greed and corruption and without proper governmental regulation has led to our current economic crisis. An end to corporate lobbyists buying off politicians in both parties, and bringing the government back to the people to benefit the greater good rather than a rich few.

Mary said...

At least some of the comments posted here seem like copy and paste jobs.

They certainly don't address my specific post.

Generic comments about McCain supporters claiming that Obama is a Muslim or a terrorist don't fit here.

I have never written, nor do I believe, that Obama is a terrorist or a Muslim.

It troubles me when I receive those sort of drive-by comments because they are so unwarranted.

I didn't watch Obama's infomercial, but I intend to catch some of it on YouTube.

I don't get this "stop watching FOX News" stuff. Talk about jumping to conclusions!

I watch relatively little TV. I rarely watch prime time, although tonight I did watch Deal or No Deal. There was a $1 million winner!

And I don't live in fear. Such assumptions are completely baseless.

Anonymous said...

This web site is proof that Reagan made a huge, irreversible error when he released all the wing nuts from the state mental hospitals.

Anonymous said...

The problem with this guy is that he is UN-TRUTHFUL. It's so easy for him to look straight at the camera, and lie to the american people, that it really scares me. We all know Bush never had a fair shake at this. I've seen people blame him for anything and everything ever since he was elected. Nobody's perfect OK. If you disagree with him (as i have in some areas) that's your right. But he's our president. ALL OF US. We're all Americans. I beg you to take a second look at Obama before u vote for him. Don't just let him ride the wave into the most difficult and important job in the world. We have seen the results of this way of thinking before, and it was a disaster. Please people

Mary said...

What lies?

Do you realize how creepy your taunting comes off? It's personal and weird.

You're not helping Obama.

Anonymous said...

Creepy and weird? OMG.. I can't believe that is coming from YOU!

By the way, Obama doesn't need my help. He's doing just fine and for all the right reasons.

Mary said...

Comment 25: Sarah P. --

"Okay, I want to clear my conscience a little. Hopefully you could make a blog post to help some fellow Clinton supporters out. I worked for the campaign--" Obama, "--and I can't wait for this week to be over... The internal campaign idea, Obama campaign, is to twist, distort, humiliate, and finally dispirit you. We pay people and organize people to go on all the online sites and play the part of a Clinton or McCain supporter who just switched our support for Obama. We do this to stifle your motivation, to destroy your confidence...

"This surprisingly has had a huge suppressing movement in vote turnout issues. Next, we infiltrate all the blogs, and all the YouTube videos, and we overwhelm the voting, the comments, all to continue the appearance of overwhelming world support for Obama.

"There's a huge staff of people working around the clock watching every site, every blog, we flood these sites, we have had a goal to overwhelm. The truth is here. I could go on and on, but you got the picture.

"My vote will be for John McCain."

Anonymous said...

Nice try "Sarah P." I guess it's easier to write some lame-o story like that than it would be to, I don't know... carve a (backwards) B on your face. Just as obvious though!