Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sarah Palin and Abortion

Barack Obama does not support the Culture of Life.

He is pro-abortion, to the extreme.

John McCain and Sarah Palin are anti-abortion.

They believe in protecting innocent life. Barack Obama does not.

On Saturday, Sarah Palin talked about abortion and spoke of the dramatic distinction between the Republican ticket and the Democrat ticket on the issue.

She also spoke of her personal belief in the preciousness of every human life.

DAVENPORT, Iowa (AFP) -- Republican Sarah Palin, who has a baby with Downs Syndrome, Saturday spoke out publicly about her stand against abortion saying she believed in "the potential of every human life."

..."It's hard to think of many issues that could possibly be more important than who is protected in law and who isn't. Who is granted life and who is denied it?" said the Alaska governor, who is known to oppose abortion in almost every circumstance.

"So I listened when our opponent defended his unconditional support for unlimited abortions and he said that a woman shouldn't have to be, quote, punished with a baby.

"It's about time that we called him on it."

I wonder if the issue of abortion will come up at the final presidential debate.

I think it should have been addressed during the vice presidential debate.

Gwen Ifill steered clear of the issue. No surprise there.

..."I believe the truest measure of any society is how it treats those who are least able to defend and to speak for themselves. And who is more vulnerable or more innocent than a child?" she told the rally, as a baby could be heard crying in the background.

"When I learned that my son would have special needs, to be honest I had to pray that my heart would be prepared for the challenges to come. It was a shock. I wasn't ready for this."

...Palin said: "Every innocent life does matter and everyone belongs in the circle of protection. Every child has something to contribute to our world if we give them that chance.

"As for our beautiful baby boy, for Todd and for me, he is only more precious because he is vulnerable and in some ways, you know, I think that we stand to learn more from him than he does from us."

Palin spoke with candor about having a special needs child, the challenges and the rewards. In effect, she was talking about love.

In some circumstances, Barack Obama actually thinks of a baby as a punishment.

Sarah Palin doesn't see a baby the way Obama does. A precious human life is not a punishment to her.


Anonymous said...

she likes to make ignorant uninformed comments. it is clear she is brain dead. likely not a college graduate, because she didn't learn any critical thinking skills. Palins views are extreme, she is against abortion even in cases of rape. that is just nuts.

Josh Latta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anyone’s view that is inconstant with your own, can be considered extreme by your own opinion. Which also makes you an extremist by the way, but that’s okay, provided you realize everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just not their own facts. Unfortunately, this election is just like all the others – same baloney, just different names (my opinion). How can you make up your minds to vote for any one candidate or party based upon only one topic you either agree or disagree with? Look at the big picture. Set aside the one topic that upsets you the most and delete that from both candidates, ignore it (usually abortion and/or religion), then look at the candidates again, what they stand for, what they don’t. You mind change your mind based on the law of averages, (vote for the lesser of two evils, right?). Pro or con, none of these people have the power to ever change your personal beliefs about abortion or religion, or anything else (fact), so forget about it. If you can’t get past that, then look in the mirror. That’s what an extremist looks like.

Mary said...

knew about Obama's extremism on abortion long ago.

I spoke out about it long before Obama became the Dem nominee and long, long before Sarah Palin joined the Republican ticket.

Read my post from March 24, 2008.

My comments are not "uninformed."

"Josh Latta" chose to remove his comment. (This post has been removed by the author.)

I would say that was a wise choice, "Josh."

I am not a single issue voter, though I wouldn't disparage anyone for making a choice on a single issue.

IDEALLY, we each should only get one vote. We have the right to use it as we see fit.

I disagree with your definition of "extremist."

Anonymous said...

Not only is that an extreme view, but Roe v. Wade just reverts the rights to the states and most states are still going to allow and have abortion. I love how conservative federalists judges read the constitutional to prevent government interference but we should enter the home to judge their sex. next you will want to overturn lawrence v. texas to make sure that 'gay' sex is no longer allowed. then we will overturn cases that allow spouses to use sexual protection because that shouldn't be allowed clearly.

Mary said...

You're right about one thing only: Overturning Roe v. Wade would NOT make abortion illegal in the U.S.

When liberals, like Obama, use the threat of overturning Roe v. Wade to scare their supporters, it's sleazy, playing off their fears. It's intentionally deceptive.