Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Andrew Sullivan, Sarah Palin, and Trig

As Mark Hemingway, the Washington Examiner, notes, this blog post by Andrew Sullivan is positively disgusting.

It is so bizarre that one wonders why The Atlantic keeps Sullivan on board.

Sullivan writes:

Did she really just call for Rahm Emanuel to be fired because he allegedly used the term "fucking retarded" to refer to fellow Democrats in a private meeting? Last summer? Did she really?

I don't like the term myself. I think it is offensive. I think Rahm Emanuel is offensive. But at least he's real. And he has now apologized. And at least he used the term metaphorically.

Palin, in contrast, called her own campaign prop "her retarded baby" in private, according to an eye-witness account from the father of her own grandson who lived in her house for months and knew her intimately. "I was just in shock the first time I heard it," Levi Johnston told CBS. Unlike Sarah Palin, Johnston has not been caught in multiple indisputable lies. I believe him over her. In fact, in any factual dispute, I believe anyone over her.

Right. Levi Johnston is so credible.

Sullivan is being kind here compared to what he goes on to write. What follows is shockingly offensive.

The medical term for Down Syndrome is Trisomy-21 or Trisomy-g. It is often shortened in medical slang to Tri-g.

Is it not perfectly possible that the very name given to this poor child, being reared by Bristol, is another form of mockery of his condition, along with the "retarded baby" tag? And does the way in which this poor child was hauled around the country on a book tour, being dragged out in front of flash photographs in the middle of the night, barely clothed, suggest someone who actually cares for children with special needs, or rather sees them as a way to keep the spotlight on her?

C'mon, Levi. Write that book. Expose this fraud.

Sullivan is sick, and all those who adopt his slop are sick as well.

This is absolutely deranged.

Sullivan is a disgrace.

No one needs to write a book to expose Sullivan. His own writings expose what sort of human being he is. Not pretty at all.

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