Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bill Ayers, Barack Obama, and the Race Card

Here we go again...

It seems whenever Barack Obama or his allies detect a potential serious problem, they whip out the race card.

Analysis: Palin's words carry racial tinge

By claiming that Democrat Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists" and doesn't see the U.S. like other Americans, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin targeted key goals for a faltering campaign.

And though she may have scored a political hit each time, her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret.

...Her reference to Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, was exaggerated at best if not outright false. No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.

Obama, who was a child when the Weathermen were planting bombs, has denounced Ayers' radical views and actions.

This "analysis" by AP writer Douglass K. Daniel comes right off of Barack Obama's website. I think Daniel should be charged with plagiarism.

Talk about reciting the Obama party line!

The truth is, in February 2008, David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, told Ben Smith of Politico:

Bill Ayers lives in his (Obama's) neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school.

They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.

Axelrod was more than a little confused about the Ayers and Obama children attending school together.
UPDATE: There's been a bit of confusion about Axelrod's line on the kids, who -- as the Guardian's Daniel Nasaw noted -- aren't the same age. Obama's kids went go the the University of Chicago Lab Schools, where Ayers kids, who are much older, had gone. However, Bernardine Dohrn is still active at the school, and an Obama aide said that was the connection.

In any event, it was Axelrod who said that Obama is "friendly" with Ayers.

To this day, Ayers stands by his acts of terrorism against America. Nonetheless, Obama is/was friendly with him.


Ayers' acts were so extreme and his statements continue to be so radical that it's not enough for Obama to simply denounce him to ease my mind.

Obama wants to be president of the United States and he counts (or counted) this anti-American terrorist among the people with which he's friendly.

That's extremely troubling. It speaks to Obama's judgment and it's not good.

Equally disturbing, Obama is using all avenues possible, including the United States Department of Justice and Missouri Law Enforcement, to attempt to silence those daring to speak of his very real connection to Ayers.

William Ayers isn't some composite character pieced together for the purposes of scoring political points and sliming Obama.

He has a place in American history. Ayers co-founded the radical Leftist group the Weathermen, later called the Weather Underground Organization.

As far as Obama being a child when the Weathermen were planting bombs, that's totally irrelevant.

Obama, as a man, knows about Ayer's crimes. That's what matters, not that he was eight at the time Ayers was in a hot war with America.

Obama wasn't eight when on September 11, 2001, in a New York Times article, Ayers said, "I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

To this day, Ayers stands by his acts of terrorism against America. Obama knows about Ayers' efforts to subvert the U.S. government, yet he worked with Ayers.

From the Wall Street Journal:

[D]ocuments in the [Chicago Annenberg Challenge] archives make clear that Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama were partners in the CAC.

The CAC's basic functioning has long been known, because its annual reports, evaluations and some board minutes were public. But the Daley archive contains additional board minutes, the Collaborative minutes, and documentation on the groups that CAC funded and rejected. The Daley archives show that Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers worked as a team to advance the CAC agenda.

And yet the AP claims there's no evidence.

As I said, Daniel's "analysis" was lifted off Obama's website, pure spin.

But it's the race card stuff that I find most telling that Team Obama is concerned about the Ayers connection.

...Palin's words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee "palling around" with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America?

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers' day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as "not like us" is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American.

Most troubling, however, is how allowing racism to creep into the discussion serves McCain's purpose so well. As the fallout from Wright's sermons showed earlier this year, forcing Obama to abandon issues to talk about race leads to unresolved arguments about America's promise to treat all people equally.

John McCain occasionally looks back on decisions with regret. He has apologized for opposing a holiday to honor Martin Luther King Jr. He has apologized for refusing to call for the removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina's Capitol.

When the 2008 campaign is over McCain might regret appeals such as Palin's perhaps more so if he wins.

What a load!

There is no subtext. Ayers is a terrorist and proud of it. Obama has a significant relationship with Ayers.

There's nothing racial there.

When Palin says that Obama is "not like us," she's not talking about skin color. She's talking about Obama working with one of the founders of the Weather Underground.

Obama's campaign and its Associated Press wing cannot rewrite history.

Playing the race card shows their worry. It's the surest sign that there's something there. It's a desperate attempt to shut people up.

Gwen Ifill did the same thing when she was caught submerged in the tank for Obama. She played the race card.

It's a method of deflection. It's particularly sleazy because it's an attempt to prevent the truth from being aired.

In Daniel's "analysis," he even suggests that McCain has a racist past, bringing up his apologies for his stance on the MLK holiday and the Confederate flag.

Playing the race card is a cheap way to attack the messenger.

Obama did it in the primaries, slamming Bill Clinton. He's done it as the Dems' nominee.

Sleazy, desperate, and unfortunately, effective to some degree.

I hope McCain and Palin stand their ground and don't back away from telling the truth.

Note: Daniel steers clear of the racially tinged remarks of Obama's running mate, Joe Biden.
--"You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state."

--"You cannot go into a Dunkin Donuts or a 7-Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

--"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."


Anonymous said...

More demeaning of patriotic Americans by the Obamanation. Some will see through this and understand that by these accusations they reveal their own racial views and their fear and loathing of the Constitution of the United States. Why else would Barack Obama try to hard to hide his affiliations. Why would these affiliations with Rev. Wright who screams hate to American citizens and William Ayers who bombed government buildings and was linked to the killing of a police officer, and others (Mark Rudd....) be so important? So Americans will see the facts since the media refuses to discuss them.

Mary said...

If Bill Ayers is no problem for Obama, why do his supporters go nuts when someone mentions him?

Why not have an open discussion about Ayers and Obama?

Lay ALL the cards on the table. Let the American people decide.

The Obama camp's attempts to silence critics is not the way to go.

Anonymous said...

Obama and his handlers are a bunch of pansies. If they can't take this heat how will they ever take the heat of the Presidency? God help us all.

As Sowell recently wrote, "But the country does not deserve to be put in the hands of a glib and cocky know-it-all, who has accomplished absolutely nothing beyond the advancement of his own career with rhetoric, and who has for years allied himself with a succession of people who have openly expressed their hatred of America. "

Mary said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Yes let's have an open discussion about Ayers. And while we're at it...

McCain palling around with:
G. Gordon Liddy


Charles Keating

And maybe we should even look into the source of the McCain-Hensley fortune and some of those Phoenix mob pals.

Mary said...

Good grief.

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused as to exactly HOW inquiring about one's terrorist ties makes Palin a racist?

Are the liberals offended only at accusations against black terrorists (which has nothing to do with what Palin said)?

Ahhhhh the smell of liberal desperation in the morning!

Mary said...

This is how Palin's remarks are being construed as racist:

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as "not like us" is another potential appeal to racism.

Of course, she's not referring to Obama's skin color at all. She's referring to what he's said about Americans and how he views America.

Anonymous said...

I have the bosoms of an opera singer … but I still can’t talk to the dead … the presidential campaign juices me up. –Joy Behar

Every crime depends on someone not waking up too soon, and without exception most of us wake up too late. William C. Ayers and his ilk moved into the academy in masse during the 1990s. The press simply declines to cover the story; but it's huge. So, lets talk higher education. Outcome Based Education ensures the Politically Correct de jour, a means of actually graduating from college. Its called “social justice.” Take William Ayers. Besides drugs, he knows domestic terrorism. It's more than a way to stay stoned, firmly ensconced in the 70s. Just look at Ayer’s bourgeois neighborhood. You should have a t-shirt sporting a big red star. Professor Ayers also decides education policy. Ayers does much more damage to America than he ever could with mere explosives. The faculty sets the tone at any university. “Education,” says Ayers, “is the motor-force of revolution.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Hillary D. Clinton’s old mentor and comrade-in-arms would be doing double back flips. President William J. Clinton pardoned Weather Underground Organization members Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans. Today, WUO founder William Ayers teaches “social justice” & “education reform” at the University of Illinois, Chicago. During the Vietnam War, while John S. McCain endured a North Vietnamese prison, a draft dodging “Slick Willie” participated in "teach-ins" against the VN War, while visiting the former Soviet Union. No worries though, if Barack H. Obama wins, Hillary D. Clinton could wind up with a Supreme Court nomination.

Bill Ayers, another self-professed “communist street fighter” decides who will graduate. We don’t need no stinking core curriculum. We don’t need no accountability, say educators. It’s part and parcel of the “culture of mendacity” manifested by the Left. This is the face of higher education, a first class political reeducation. And, these people are dead serious. In true Trotsky fashion, Bill Clinton expanded home ownership for the new Democratic demographic with PC loans, as worthless as the aforementioned PC diplomas. In short, “economic justice.” Another formula for disaster: flood of worthless diplomas on the job market. “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.” In 1995 Barack Obama and Bill Ayers got together to focus on education; Bill Clinton proclaimed himself the education president. It was a paradigm shift. Yet Clinton never boasts his role as catalyst, not a single time: never: