Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe Biden and the Coming International Crisis

Joe Biden made a promise to the American people, a guarantee.

Speaking in Seattle on Sunday, Biden said he could guarantee that the world will want to find out if Obama is up to the job, which he assured voters he is.

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.

The Delaware senator's remarks were the second of their kind over the weekend. At a fundraiser in San Francisco, Biden said Obama's challengers will "find out this guy's got steel in his spine" when he is tested.

What a convincing argument to vote for Obama!

Obama as president means an international crisis is on the horizon. We all want that, right?

Biden is absolutely crazy.

I don't think Biden is fit to be a heartbeat from the presidency. He says such incredibly idiotic things. He is gravitas-challenged.

Biden actually PROMISES the American people that if they elect Obama, there will be an international crisis. If Sarah Palin or John McCain made that very same promise, they would be crucified, after being called racist.

The guy is saying our enemies will generate a crisis to test Obama.

Why would a test be necessary?

There's no need for a test when you know the results.

With John McCain, no test is necessary. The world knows that McCain has got steel in his spine. That's not the case with Obama and Biden acknowledges that.

Is he trying to sabotage Obama's campaign, or is he just that remarkably stupid?

Either way, it's bad.

...During a McCain campaign press conference on Monday, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani also weighed in on the Democratic vice presidential candidate's remarks, saying they reveal that "Biden continues to harbor doubts that Obama is ready to be commander-in-chief.

...Democratic strategist and pollster Doug Schoen said Biden's comments are "probably an uncomfortable truth, certainly not what you want as a Democratic strategist for your vice presidential candidate to say...."

I love Giuliani's comments.

Even Biden realizes that the world perceives Obama as weak.

Obama doesn't need political opponents with a guy like Biden as his running mate.


Biden wants you to "gird your loins."

Are your loins girded?

If not, gird them now, before it's too late.


Guess Who Sees MSM Double-Standard on Biden's Latest Gaffe?


Anonymous said...

The guy has served 7 presidents. He probably knows a thing or two about how these things work.

Your pieces are getting dull Mary... feels like the McCain campaign energy is winding down.

jenstillinak said...

I must say that Biden is right in this - the world is watching. They are watching to see how soon they can start flexing their muscle to America. With Obama in office they will be able to run all over us, since all he wants to do is have tea parties with dangerous foreign leaders.

Anonymous said...

The world has been watching for some weeks and has not seen much till now :) International crisis is already here and "testing" has already begun! I don't think Obama will able to change much, because some steps have been done by this administration and these steps are irreversible. And more, I believe the best solution is to keep hands off and let this crisis fade away...no crisis was here forever.
Take care

Anonymous said...

It is now, and always will be, forevermore...Bush's fault.


Anonymous said...

What if the crisis is that Barack Obama wins the election and it is proven Barack Obama is not a United States born citizen? Will the Constitution of the United States be changed?

Mary said...

I don't think you have to worry about that.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Mary said...

I don't think you have to worry about that.

What we have to worry about is Obama getting the courts so loaded with leftists that the judicial branch ignores the Constitution, which is a very real possibility by virtue of total control of the government by the Democratic party

Anonymous said...

"The guy has served 7 presidents. He probably knows a thing or two about how these things work."

Really?! You feel safe in the hands of a guy who's been around THAT long and still calls jobs a 3 letter word?

John McCain has also "served" (far beyond Flappy-o) - but you don't see him making continual ludicrous statements and gaffes.