Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Obama: Win Trip to Vegas, Meet Backstage

Remember in February 2009, when Obama announced, "Don't go to Vegas"?

“We’re going to do something to strengthen the banking system," Mr. Obama said, “You are not going to be able to give out these big bonuses until you pay taxpayers back. You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime. There's got to be some accountability and some responsibility.”

Of course, those negative comments about Las Vegas didn't go over well with local officials and business owners.

Of course, after Obama was inaugurated, Nevada saw its unemployment rate skyrocket. Las Vegas currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, 14.7 percent.

And of course, Harry "This war is lost" Reid is struggling in his race with Sharron Angle.

In short, all is not well in Nevada.

Well, now in 2010, Obama is going to Vegas.

He'll be jetting out there on Air Force One. And he wants supporters to "pony up" $3 to win a chance to meet him backstage in Vegas.

As Obama said on the campaign trail in 2007, "I want everybody here to pony up $5, $10 for this campaign. I don't care how poor you are. You got $5."

So Obama's "Organizing for America" is offering a bargain.

Only a $3 donation will register you for a chance to win a trip to Vegas and meet the star, Obama, backstage!

Here's the fundraising e-mail:

Friend --

The path this country takes after November 2nd will be determined by what we do over the next 22 days.

That's the message the President is delivering on the stump across the country, but he'll be the first to tell you: he needs you at his side.

We want to thank and recognize the people who are driving this grassroots campaign -- organizing house meetings, talking to voters, and funding this effort one small donation at a time.

On October 22nd, the President will be kicking off the final push at a grassroots rally in Las Vegas. And we're saving three backstage passes for supporters like you.

Donate $3 now to be automatically registered for a chance to win a trip to meet President Obama backstage in Las Vegas.

You must enter between now and 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 15th, 2010, for the chance to win the trip (airfare and hotel included).

The extreme candidates on the other side aren't just intent on bringing our progress to a halt, they want to take us backward, well beyond the failed policies of the last administration.

They envision an America where Social Security is privatized and left to the whims of the market. They picture an America where education programs get cut to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. And they look forward to an America where the insurance companies once again have the right to deny coverage to anyone they want.

This election is about choosing the direction this country takes.

On one side is the millions from undisclosed donors attacking our candidates. On the other is us. And each and every one of us who is committed to this struggle for change has a role to play.

That's why we all need to be knocking on doors, making phone calls, and spreading the word from here through Election Day. The President is doing all he can, and he's counting on all of us to take that next step today.

We're flying three winners to Las Vegas to meet the President backstage just before he speaks at one of the most important rallies before Election Day.

And your donation will help us fund the most ambitious grassroots program ever run in an election like this -- from putting targeted ads on the air to paying the operations expenses in our field offices to providing food for volunteers.

Donate $3 between now and 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on October 15th, 2010, to be automatically entered for the chance to win a trip (airfare and hotel included) to meet President Obama in Las Vegas. No minimum contribution is necessary to be registered:




Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Making a donation automatically registers you for the sweepstakes. You may also enter the sweepstakes without making a contribution either online or via text message -- click here to enter online or here for instructions on how to enter via text message.

"Backstage with Barack"?

Oh, good grief! Will Barack be wearing a tux, have a martini in hand, and his bow tie undone?

As with past Democrat sweepstakes, there are those rules:

No purchase or contribution necessary to enter. Void where prohibited. You can enter the contest without making a contribution by clicking here. Only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents over the age of 18 who are residents of the 50 states or D.C. are eligible to enter. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on 10/15/10. Three winners will receive one round-trip ticket within the continental U.S. to Las Vegas, NV; hotel accommodations for one; and a meeting with President Obama at a rally event on 10/22/10 (approximate combined retail value $1,200.00). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion is subject to Official Rules, available here, including restrictions on eligibility.

Once again, "Only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents over the age of 18 who are residents of the 50 states or D.C. are eligible to enter."


That runs counter to Harry Reid's pandering to ILLEGAL immigrants.


Here are past Democrat sweepstakes open only to U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents:

Win Dinner with Barack in Dallas

Win an iPad

Win a trip to New York City and Meet Barack, plus attend a live taping of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart


UPDATE, October 13, 2010: Barack Obama: "I want to meet you."

Kind of a creepy subject line: "I want to meet you."

Here's Obama's e-mail:

Friend --

Two years ago, I met 10 of you.

Just before I accepted our party's nomination in front of 80,000 people in Denver, I spoke with 10 grassroots supporters who had won a trip to meet me backstage.

I still remember the time we spent together -- because these are the people, like you, who stood with me in 2008, and got me through the tough fights since.

But we face another test on November 2nd that will say a lot about our future -- and I need you by my side again.

A Supreme Court decision I strongly disagree with has shifted the balance of power in our elections from folks like you to giant corporations. Their massive spending on attack ads could have a real impact on who represents you at all levels of government. Only supporters like you -- and all the work you are doing -- are standing in their way.

This may be our toughest fight yet.

So next week, just 11 days before the elections, I want to meet three supporters like you backstage at a rally in Las Vegas -- one of the last big rallies of this campaign.

Please make a $3 donation now to be automatically entered to win a trip to be at my side at the rally in Vegas.

This movement has always been about more than me. It's about change, and the kind of future we envision for this country.

The folks I met backstage in Denver told me they wanted health reform, a clean-energy economy, and a resolution to the war in Iraq. They wanted a new kind of politics, and a new kind of leader.

It was their hope and expectation that together we would move beyond the status quo, that we would counter the special interests and corporate influence in Washington -- that we would do what was right and necessary for all Americans.

With your help, we have made historic progress, but there is much left to do -- and it will not happen without your involvement. I need strong allies in Congress who will stand with us in the tough fights ahead, and I need you to give it all you've got through November 2nd to make sure they can.

Your donation today will provide critical support to our Vote 2010 campaign as we reach out to millions of voters who will decide the closest races across the country.

It will determine if we pass this test, and win our toughest fight yet.

Please donate $3 or more to be automatically entered to win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage:


I hope to see you out there,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- Making a donation automatically registers you for the sweepstakes. You may also enter the sweepstakes without making a contribution either online or via text message -- click here to enter online or here for instructions on how to enter via text message. No minimum contribution is necessary to be registered.

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