Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Contessa Brewer: Islamic Ties, Faisal Shahzad

We know that Contessa Brewer, former TMJ4 reporter and anchor, was born to work at MSNBC. She's perfect. She has loony liberal views combined with an inability to speak intelligently.

Her highlight reel is growing.

The latest:

Brewer feels sorry that the Times Square car bomber turned out to be an Islamic terrorist, allegedly. She wishes the responsible party would have been, oh, I don't know, probably a white guy who goes to Tea Party events.

I don't feel Brewer's pain, AT ALL.


Transcript, from NewsBusters:

CONTESSA BREWER: I mean the thing is that- and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry. And so there was part of me was really hoping this would not be the case that here would be somebody who is not the defined. I mean he’s accused, he’s arrested you know I don’t want to convict him before it’s time to do so. He’s the guy authorities say is involved. But that being said, I mean, we know even in recent history you have the Hutaree militia from Michigan who have plans to, let’s face it, create terror. That’s what they were planning to do and they were doing so from far different backgrounds than what this guy is coming from. So, the threat is not just coming from people who decide that America is the place to be and you know come here and want to become citizens. And obviously this guy did.

More, from NewsBusters:
BREWER: What’s interesting is you know we’re seeing within the boundaries of the United States it’s the people that they’re arresting seem to be you know- these loners, in some ways. I mean, the underwear bomber had obviously been sent. There was a network behind him. But, they’re guys who are, I don’t know, isolated some ways from their families. It will be interesting when we hear what is the background of Faisal Shahzad as we are, you know, of course our NBC crews are on that and looking onto more background there. We’ll find out more. Were there failed family ties? Did he have a strong community network here in the United States? Did he feel isolated?

Good grief.

Why would anyone serve as an apologist for a terrorist, someone who set out to murder innocent Americans?

Brewer is really a disgrace.

She's getting a lot of attention today. She deserves it.

Here's a Facebook posting by Brewer, commenting on the uproar over her remarks:

I'm getting flak for expressing disappointment during a radio intvw, that the NYC bomb suspect has links to Pakistan. I wasn't hoping the suspect would be of a particular nationality, race, or religion. Instead, I worry ppl will use this to justify racism & religious bigotry. Mayor Bloomberg is concerned enough to say:... I want to make clear we will not tolerate bias or backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers.

Brewer is too clueless to understand why her comments are so detestable.

As I said, she's perfect for MSNBC.


Other "highlights" in Contessa's career:
Contessa Brewer and John Ziegler

Contessa Brewer and Zach Lahn

Contessa Brewer, MSNBC, White People, and Guns

MSNBC Bashes Republicans on Olympics

Contessa Brewer: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

Contessa Brewer and Judd Gregg

Contessa Brewer: Global Warming Snow Job


gwojtowy said...

I heard the entire exchange on Stephanie Miller. Any inference that Brewer wished that the terrorist was a Right Wing Christian is on the part of the Right Wing only. Limbaugh's reaction if you listen to it, is NOTHING BUT inference!

Mary said...

Brewer clearly says she wishes that the responsible party had NO Islamic ties.

She has a strong history of demonizing the Tea Party activists and conservatives. I wonder what sort of terrorist Brewer was hoping for.

An atheist?

An environmental extremist?

A Bill Ayers type?

A 9/11 truther?

Maybe the sort Bloomberg wished was responsible?

"[S]omebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something"?

I'm just thankful that the bomber failed. I have no sympathy for him or any others involved.